Manufacturer of Fine Architectural Hardware
(631) 293-8273 Phone
(212) 970-7205 Phone
Factory Hours
Monday to Friday
6:00am to 3:00pm
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:00pm

Mancini Family
Owned & Operated
Since 1939

Raphael Mancini Sr
Aneilo Mancini

Robert Mancini Sr
Thomas Mancini Sr

RAJACK has a long and proud history of being family owned and operated since the company’s inception back in 1939. Brothers and company founders, Raphael Mancini and Aneilo Mancini begin the road to American entrepreneurship back in the early part of the 1900's.
"Strong and Beautiful, keep it simple"
"Rise early and conquer the morning."
Born into a family of six brothers and sister on Manhattan's Upper East Side (E106th Street). The brothers grew up watching their father Biagio Mancini run his small shoe repair store. Work ethic and a love for working with their hands began to develop by watching Papa run the shop. Both men in their late teens begin working in various metal foundries and machine shops in lower Manhattan. After years of reinforcing the skills that they had been blessed with the brothers decided it was time to open a shop of their own.
RAJACK Brass opened in the summer of 1939 and was first located on the lower east side just under the Manhattan Bridge. At that time we manufactured small brass fittings for fireplace accessories and supplied brass hardware to the local furniture stores. The craftsmanship of the hardware started to grab the attention of many in the industry. As word of mouth spread, RAJACK began developing and expanding its line of Architectural Brass Hardware. Soon after demand for product outpaced production and RAJACK moved to a larger factory on Bergen Street in Downtown Brooklyn. With the outbreak of World War II RAJACK’s Factory was commissioned by the War Department to manufacture parts for the Navy. We changed focus for a few years to do our part for our country. With the war behind us, New York City was booming with the returning troops, peace time economy and expanding families. RAJACK resumed it’s production with more of a focus on Speciality Architectural Hardware and has not stopped since. In the early 1960’s the factory & family moved from Brooklyn,NY to the suburbs just outside New York City. We are still located in Farmingdale,NY (Long Island) to this very day.
I was blessed to grow up here in this factory alongside these talented men. I am committed to carrying on the tradition of manufacturing quality American made architectural hardware products at reasonable prices.
to our beloved father & family who are with the angels now... we miss and love you
Robert Mancini Jr
